Change Maker


Your objective is to write a program that allows the user to enter an amount.  The program will determine how many quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies are needed to make that amount.  For example, if the user enters "68", the program should display:

The change for 68 cents is:

Quarters: 2
Dimes: 1
Nickels: 1
Pennies: 3

Program Specifications:

  1. ____ /5:  The program should enable the user to enter an amount and click a button.
  2. ____/15: After the user clicks the button, program should display the number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies needed to make the amount entered by the user.
  3. ____/5:  The results should be displayed as shown above, with each coin and its amount on a separate line.
  4. ____/5:  After the user clicks the button, the textbox should be cleared and the cursor should move to the textbox.
  5. ____/5:  EXTRA CREDIT: Create a keypad of buttons to allow the user to enter the amount with the keypad.
  6. ____/5:  EXTRA CREDIT: Allow the user to enter the charge and then the amount tendered by the customer.  Then determine the change in terms of $20, $10, $5, and $1 dollar bills, and quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.