Code Hunter

Your objective is to write a program that enables the user to “program” a robot to collect four “treasures.”   The screen should appear similar to the one shown below.  The robot, which is the small box, should start in the middle.  The user should “program” the robot to move by entering commands in the textbox.  The commands should be in the following format: direction, distance.  For example, if the user wants the robot to move a distance of 150 in the Northern direction, she should type: n 150.  Four “treasures” should be located around the screen.  When the robot lands on a treasure, the treasure should be turned to a different color or disappear.  Other specific features of the program are discussed below.

codeHunter Screen

Program Specifications:

____/10:  The screen should be similar to the one shown except that some commands should be in a menu.  The user should be able to enter the commands in the text box.

 ____/10: The program should not be case-sensitive. For example, both “N” and  “n”  should be for moving North.

 ____/10:  The location of the cursor and objects should be displayed when the user moves the mouse.

 ____/10:  When the user clicks the Step command button, the robot should complete one step (command). 

 ____/10:  When the robot lands on a treasure, the color of the treasure should change or the treasure should disappear to signify that it has been found.

 ____/10:  When the user has stepped through the entire set of commands, a message box should appear, the robot should be moved back to its starting point, and the color of the treasures should be reset.

 ____/10:  The user should be able to save a set of commands to a file of the users choice.  The user should also be able to open and load a file of commands.

 ____/10:  The Randomize command button should randomize the locations of the four treasures.  You should ensure that one treasure is located in each of the four quadrants (NE, NW, SE, SW).

 ____/10:  The total distance that the robot travels should be displayed.  The distance should be updated every time that the user clicks the Step button.

 ____/10: The user should be able to save and open a file indicating the locations of the treasures.