VB Script Tester

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Introducing VB.NET

1. Your First Program 

2. Toolbox and Objects 

3. Linking Objects 

4. Solution Explorer & Forms 

5. Compiling and vbc.exe 

2. Variables & Objects
1. Data Types
2. Operators and Static
3. Converting Types
4. Declaring Objects
5. Dates,Calender,Status Bar
3. Procedures & Decisions
1. Procedures
2. Modules and Scope
3. Boolean Operators
4. If...Else
5. Select Case
4. Looping and Repetition
1. for...next
2. Debugging
3. While
4. Timers and Progress Bar
5. Images and Animation
5. Arrays and Lists
1. Arrays
2. 2D arrays
3. Listboxes
6. Pre-Defined Functions
1. Numeric
2. String
3. Date and Format
7. File,Menu,DialogBox
1. FileStreams
2. Try...Catch and Application
3. Menus and Toolbars
4. DialogBoxes
8. Printing and Graphics
1. Printing 1
2. Printing 2
3. Graphics
9. DataBases

1. Access  

2. Normalization  

3. SQL 

4. ADO and SELECT 

5. Insert and Delete 

10. Classes

1. Classes Using Forms 

2. Create Your Own Class 

3. Create a Class Library 


1. HTML Manager 

2. Pong 

3. Dots 

4. CodeHunter 

5. Card Creator 

6. RoboHunter 

7. Paint 

8. Tester (Units 1 to 3) 

9. ChangeMaker (Units 1 and 2) 

10. TicTacToe (Units 1 to 3) 

11. Hangman (Unit 6 and 7)